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《帝始界》小说第215章全文免费阅读 。为了让您更好地阅读《帝始界第215章》,请您 ,免费阅读帝始界第215章完整版全文。

Jack Cooper is an unhappy man—mind, body, and spirit. In the blink of an eye, he has lost his longstanding job to the economy, his mother to illness, and his wife to her secret lover. Beaten, broken, and crippled by tragedy, he withdraws into total isolation, narrowing his life down to the simplest of routines in order to block out the pain. His day begins with a strenuous workout at the Bethesda Health Club, his personal oasis where his mind and body can be free, and ends in his tiny apartment, where he escapes from reality with his books until he can lose himself in sleep. Nothing more, nothing less. That is, until he meets the enigmatic Mike Parrish. Treadmill

没有心脏。没有奢望。没有信仰。在爱情还没有来到之前,在你的沉默之后,软弱的我沉溺于你的温柔。直至—溺死。却忘了,这个世界上丢了心的远远不止我一个。爱,肝肠寸断。恨,不得安生。 没有心脏

错位空间生存,是以错位空间为基础写的,看这本书之前,一定要看错位空间 错位空间生存

为了保护养育自己长大的大哥莫笑天,羽星戬被暗兽入侵体内,日渐憔悴的羽星戬无奈来到了蓝带星养老,他将在死亡的威胁下, 等待生命最终时刻的来临吗? 不败雄心

当签约合同时顾冉问墨奕白:“你怎么吃这么少?”  墨奕白装可怜:“小时候经常吃不饱饭,习惯了。”  顾冉拍拍自己:“那以后你和我一起吃,我会看着让你多吃的。”  当他们遇到对家公司有人找他们麻烦时,顾冉问:“你可以吗,听说你们公司还没有超过他们公司。”  墨奕白装可怜:“那如果我的公司破产你可要收留我,保护我哦。”  顾冉:“嗯,我一定会保护你的。”  旁边的助理:“总裁你这个大骗子,你吃的少不是因为你不爱吃他家的饭吗?咱们公司不是早超过他们公司了吗?” 这位总裁请你不要装可怜

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